The French Tangerine

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2020 is here and we are finally enjoying all the work we put in last season at the condo! If you follow me on instagram, you’re probably sick of seeing my little condo scenes. But the new design and the colors make me so happy!

Although most of the furniture and fabrics are neutral, I just loved being able to incorporate some pastel colors that don’t work in my house in Omaha.

Dustskirts finally arrived for the guest room, and I adore them. ADORE.

The absolute best part about being in Naples in the winter months is the lush green landscaping everywhere.

Also the blue sky. . .

I just love the trees. . .

How do you think this one is trimmed? It was huge!

The Banyan trees are amazing.

My friend and I set out on a walk downtown on our last day, and we kept walking and walking. The weather was perfect, and everywhere you look, there’s a picture waiting to be taken.

We walked almost 13 miles and we were happy to get home and watch the sunset.

The dark blue night sky could not be prettier.

Can’t wait to go back. Omaha is FREEZING!